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Vasectomy - No Scalpel, No Stitches

We use an open-ended no-scalpel technique, proven to have the least risk of side effects and complications.
By using a minimally invasive approach, the vasectomy is performed through a tiny opening in the front part of the scrotum. There is one tiny hole through which the surgeon does the vasectomy.

What is Vasectomy?

Vasectomy is the common name for male sterilisation – a permanent method of contraception.

It is a simple surgical procedure which closes off the sperm-carrying tubes (vas deferens) in the scrotum to stop sperm from getting into the semen.


After the procedure, sperm produced in the testicles can no longer mix with semen, and so the semen gradually becomes free of sperm.


Vasectomy does not usually require a general anaesthetic, and our highly trained doctors can perform the procedure in less than 30 minutes in our surgical facility in Chatswood.


Intravenous sedation is preferred by many, though the procedure can be performed under local anaesthetic.


Please allow for longer recovery time (approx 2 hrs) if you are undergoing conscious IV sedation.


We prefer to see you in the clinic for a consultation prior to booking in for the procedure, so we can explain everything and the doctor will examine you to make sure you are suitable to have your vasectomy as an office-based procedure. 



Your erection, climax,

desire and ejaculation

will all be unchanged.

The operation takes about 20 minutes and goes like this:

Fragile Box
You can choose to have twilight sedation, inhaled anaesthetic, or be fully awake for the whole procedure.
  1. A no-sting local anaesthetic is injected into the area.

  2. A tiny hole is made in the scrotum.

  3. The vas deferens is divided and the testicular end of the tube is left open - This helps prevent congestion in the testis and therefore reduces the risk of pain or post vasectomy syndrome.      

  4. A tiny layer of sheath is placed between the two ends of the vas to stop them re-joining.

  5. The same procedure is performed on the other side but through the same hole.

  6. The skin edge is clipped together without stitches.

  7. Dressing is applied.


After your Vasectomy you can be totally spontaneous!

You will feel a bit sore for a few days but the overwhelming majority of men have a fairly easy and straight-forward recovery.


After the short recovery period, and once your semen becomes clear of sperm ( usually around 3 months), you and your partner will be able to stop using other birth control methods.  We will let you know when your semen test gives the "all clear". After the "all clear", you can have sex whenever you feel like it - no need to use hormones or condoms or be limited by the calendar!


It generally brings great relief to men and women who no longer have to worry about reliability, cost and side effects of other types of contraception. 

No Scalpel Vasectomy is quick and easy at Clinic 66, Chatswood

Compared to sterilisation in a woman, vasectomy is a very quick, easy and inexpensive procedure that can be done in our clinic, without the hassle and expense of a hospital inpatient stay

Recovery after your Vasectomy 

Indian guy daydreaming and rest at home.

Like any minor surgical procedure, there are risks of bruising, discomfort and infection. These are generally mild, and can be minimised by resting, and wearing supportive underpants for a few days after the operation.


Simple measures such as frozen peas wrapped in a tea towel is a useful first measure, combined with paracetamol.


It is best to avoid aspirin and anti-inflammatory medication for the first week after the operation, but NSAIDs such as ibuprofen and diclofenac can be used thereafter if there is any continuing discomfort.


If your work is very physical and involves heavy lifting or extreme movement, then you will need to go on light duties for a week after the vasectomy.

If you are desk based or quite sedentary in your work, then you should be able to return to work the day after having your vasectomy.


Try to avoid sitting for long periods, but avoid bike riding and contact sports for the first 2-3 weeks.


We will give you written instructions about your return to sports. Generally, if you can avoid too much too soon, your recovery will be optimised.


It is normal to experience a background aching feeling for one to two weeks post-vasectomy. It will eventually go away. Take Paracetamol ( with or without a little codeine) as required. If aching continues for over one month, you may be experiencing Post-Vasectomy Pain Syndrome and you should see us or your GP for a review. If there are no signs of infection, you can an anti-inflammatory medication (if no contraindications to taking this) for a week or two, which will help settle it down.

Men who run into trouble usually try to do too much too quickly.


There are some very fine sutures around the site of the vasectomy and if these are dislodged (by trying to do too much too quickly) then a scrotal haematoma ( bleeding into the scrotal sac) can develop which is uncomfortable and can take weeks to resolve.


Haematoma is a collection of blood in the scrotum. A scrotal haematoma can be as large as a grapefruit and occur mostly in the first or second week post-vasectomy. They can take 2 to 3 months to go away and there is no specific treatment other than rest. To avoid a haematoma, it is a good idea to return to physical activity slowly, as outlined below.


Infection is very unlikely but sometimes if you are not recovering as quickly as we would like, we may give you oral antibiotics such as cephalexin.


Cold pack on & off

No lifting at all

Walking & standing for 5 minutes with rest in between


Walking and standing all day. Carry 10-15kg only. No sport yet.

DAY 14

Non-contact sport. Carry 20-30kg.

DAY 21

Cycling OK

DAY 28


Heavy weights

Martial arts.

On your first day, use a cold pack on the scrotum on and off. Do not do any lifting. Walking and standing for 5 minutes at a time only, with resting in between. Each day increase walking and standing by 30 minutes at a time until Day 7 (resting in between periods of walking or standing).

Sex after your Vasectomy 

Most men can masturbate comfortably after a few days and return to full sexual function after about a week. Your erection, climax, desire and ejaculation will all be unchanged.


After a vasectomy, the volume of ejaculate might be slightly reduced (by about 3%), but the sensation and function of climax is the same.


Many men say their sex life improves after a vasectomy because they are no longer worried about unplanned pregnancy. Some say they are able to keep an erection for longer without ejaculating, and therefore enjoy sex for longer.



One very important aspect is that you should not rely on vasectomy as a form of birth control until you get the all clear from our doctors.


Typically, this happens around 3 months after the procedure. It takes that amount of time, with regular ejaculations to flush out all the sperm.


Sometimes it can happen sooner, and sometimes a second sample is required a month after the first. Until you get the good news, you will still need to use contraception to prevent unplanned pregnancy.

Hugging couple smiling in new home with

Many men say their sex life improves after a vasectomy because they are no longer worried about unplanned pregnancy. Some say they are able to keep an erection for longer without ejaculating, and therefore enjoy sex for longer.

Vasectomy risks

There has been much research undertaken in men who have had a vasectomy, to see if there are increased risks associated with long term complications, such as prostate or testicular cancer. Some studies have suggested that there is an increased risk, but meta analysis of the research suggests there is no increased risk of cancer in men who have had a vasectomy.  Unfortunately there are no known preventable risk factors for prostate cancer.

If you've read to this point, you're obviously seriously considering vasectomy - Good on you for taking on the responsibility! Keep scrolling down for answers to all your important questions... and if you're still unsure, call us!

Unplanned pregnancy can be a nightmare for all concerned. Whether you’ve completed your family, or have decided that children are not for you, we can provide a permanent solution which leaves you and your partner free to stop worrying about contraception and unplanned pregnancy, and have great sex whenever you like.


Make an enquiry today for your vasectomy consult or procedure at our discrete, state of the art facility in Chatswood, Clinic 66. We don't do vasectomies every day, but we sure do a lot of them... you and your 'manhood' will be in good hands! 

Vasectomy FAQs
  • Do I need to have an IUD insertion with sedation or can I be awake?
    The choice is yours. If you have intravenous sedation, you will have a brief, light anaesthetic and have no recollection of the procedure. You will need someone to drive you home, as you can’t drive on the day of a sedation anaesthetic. Commonly, those who have an IUD insertion (or removal) with sedation are women who: Are nervous or tense about being examined or having cervical screening tests Are only recently or never sexually active Have had surgery to their cervix, such as a LLETZ procedure Have ONLY had elective Caesarean section deliveries (without labouring) Are approaching menopause Want an IUD removed, but the threads cannot be seen in the cervix If you DO opt for sedation, then you should: NOT eat any food during the 6 hours prior to your appointment Drink only water between 6 and 2 hours before your appointment Have nothing pass your lips in the 2 hours immediately before your appointment (this means no food or dring and includes smoking, lollies and chewing gum) An awake IUD insertion procedure takes about 5-10 minutes and there may be some discomfort. We advise that you take some simple pain relief (the same as what you would normally take for period pain) about 30 mins before the procedure. Awake IUD insertion can also be performed using local anaesthetic and/ or a Penthrox inhaler (green whistle). Please note that for women who have NEVER been sexually active, we do not offer IUD insertion as an awake procedure ( must be booked under IV sedation) The doctor who performs your insertion procedure will discuss what kind of anaesthesia might be necessary.
  • What do I need to bring with me?
    2 or 3 sanitary pads (light flow only) Some photo identification- a driver’s licence or passport Your Medicare card Warm, comfortable clothes and nothing that is too restrictive around the tummy A snack, or some food or drink for AFTER the procedure If you are travelling from more than 100km away, you should schedule yourself a telehealth consultation with one of our doctors prior to travelling, to ensure that you are suitable for an IUD procedure with us. We do not want to disappoint !
  • Are there any reasons why a woman can’t have an IUD inserted?
    If you have a history of breast cancer, we will need a letter from your oncologist and/or breast surgeon to say that you are clear to have a hormonal IUD. If you have a history of uterine fistula or complex surgery to your uterus, an IUD may not be suitable (a previous Caesarean Section is fine). Large fibroids, unusual layout such as bicornuate uterus or any other problem which can distort the inside of your uterus (womb) might make the use of an IUD difficult. We will discuss your options with the report from a formal pelvic ultrasound. If you know you have an unusual uterus, please make an appointment to discuss your options PRIOR to booking in for your procedure. (We dont want you to waste your time by accepting your booking and then us not being able to help you) A pregnancy must be excluded before using an IUD, and that is why we like you to come in for an IUD insertion within 7 days of the start of your menstrual period. In that way, we know that you are not likely to be pregnant. However, if you do not get regular periods, you can still have an IUD inserted but the timing needs to be discussed with one of our doctors or nurses.
  • Do I need a pelvic ultrasound before my IUD insertion?
    If you have heavy periods are any abnormal bleeding (such as bleeding in between your periods), we need you to have a good quality Day 5-9 formal transvaginal pelvic ultrasound scan to make sure that there are no underlying problems. If needed, we can refer you for a pelvic ultrasound scan. Women in their forties who have heavy periods are likely to need to have a Pipelle endometrial biopsy, and there is an additional charge for this procedure. If you have had a termination of pregnancy (medical or surgical), and you haven’t yet had a period after the procedure and you wish to have an IUD inserted, you should have a pelvic ultrasound performed. Please send us the report prior to booking in for your IUD insertion.
  • What if I want my IUD removed or replaced?
    Removal of an IUD is usually quite straightforward, and can be done in the consulting rooms by a doctor who has experience at removing an IUD. If the IUD strings are not able to be found in the cervix, and you want to have your IUD removed, we need an ultrasound scan before we attempt to remove the IUD to ensure that the device is still in the uterus (womb). Please dont have unprotected sex for one week prior to the IUD removal or replacement, as sperm can hang around and its possible you could get pregnant once the IUD is removed, even from sperm which have been in the body for a few days.
  • Why should I use a condom for the week before my IUD removal or replacement?
    Please do not have condomless sex one week prior to the replacement OR removal of an IUD (as sperm can hang around, and this can result in an unintended pregnancy).
  • Do I need to have a GP consultation before having my IUD inserted?
    You do need to have a consultation prior to having your IUD inserted, which can be done with your own doctor, or one of our doctors or clinical nurse specialists. This pre-insertion consultation is important, as the timing of insertion, the type of device and anaesthetic options all need to be discussed. If you dont want to come into the clinic, you can have a consultation with one of our Telehealth doctors. Please make a booking at
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