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Surgical Abortion 


Surgical Abortion is a quick, simple, reliable and safe method of unplanned pregnancy termination .

The pregnancy tissue is gently removed from the uterus by a qualified and experienced procedural doctor. It is an uncomplicated procedure which takes about 10-15 minutes.​


Surgical termination is performed under twilight sedation, so you feel no pain and have no memory of the procedure.



Performed between 6-16 weeks and 6 days of pregnancy. The cut off date will depend on whether you have had a previous vaginal delivery.

Requires a more complex, longer procedure after 12 weeks of pregnancy. 




Upfront cost for surgical termination up to 12 weeks is $990. Patients that hold a valid Medicare card will be able to claim a Medicare benefit of approximately $400, which will be paid  electronically into their nominated bank account.


Clients who do not hold Medicare cards, they often have health insurance, which may cover the cost, depending on the insurer and the policy.


*Please note if you are 12 weeks or over the price is determined on a case by case basis.

A deposit of $300 is required to secure your booking and will be forfeited if you cancel your appointment.


If you chose to have contraception at the time of your procedure, this is an additional cost.


For further information on pricing, and an accurate quote, please call the Clinic to speak to our reception team. 

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Surgical abortion is a low risk procedure with a high success rate. ​

   We do suggest that you consider having a long-acting reversible method of contraception fitted at the same time, which is both convenient and cost effective for you.

What to
  • The procedure is performed in our quality assured day surgery with 2 doctors caring for you

  • We will give you intravenous /conscious sedation (twilight)

  • The pregnancy tissue is gently suctioned from the uterus using a small plastic tube

  • The procedure generally takes 10-15 minutes but you will be in our clinic for a total of approximately 3 hours (including recovery time)

  • You will need to take a dose of antibiotics at home (we will give you a prescription)

  • You may only require one clinic visit

  • If you have a BMI of over 40, it is not safe for you to be cared for in a community day surgery due to anaesthetic risks and you should get a referral from your GP to your local hospital. 

Support & Recovery
  • You must have a support person to take you home after the procedure

  • You are unable to drive 24 hours after sedation

  • Afterwards, you will remain in our recovery room with ongoing nursing care until you have fully recovered and are able to go home

Side effects & complications
  • You may feel tired/vague for the rest of the day, which is because of  the sedation we use.

  • You may experience bleeding and mild cramping, lasting less than 2 weeks (similar to a period).

  • Complications are very rare but may include bleeding, infection or a need for further surgery.

  • Our nurses and doctors can provide you with more information about risks and complications.

How to prepare for the day

  • What to bring

  • Preparation for your procedure

  • On arrival at the clinic

  • After the procedure

  • Getting home

  • Post abortion recovery

Surgical Abortion FAQ's

  • Is it legal for me to have an abortion?

  • Do I need a referral?

  • Can you terminate after 20 weeks?

  • Is it safe?

  • Will I still be able to have children?

  • More Abortion FAQs >>>

More articles, info, resources

  • Is abortion legal in Australia? 

  • Safe spaces in NSW

  • What is the abortion pill - aka medical termination?

  • Abortion - Day of Action

You're in good hands.

We give you the best doctors, nurses and facilities

for the best possible care.

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Dr. Emma Boulton

Dr Emma Boulton's experience and specialisation in the sexual and reproductive health space spans over 20+ years.


Her vision and mission is to remove the stigmas associated with sexual health, and she is leading a team of committed clinicians who share her vision toward that challenging goal.


Click here to read more about Emma's 'purpose driven practice' ... 

Our Awesome

All of our highly skilled doctors have undergone extensive specialist training in their respective fields, and they're passionate about what they do - they've dedicated their life to it!


What that means for you, is no matter what your sexual or reproductive health needs or concerns are, we have an 'expert' on hand to ensure that you get the best possible care and health outcomes.



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Our QA Accredited Facilities

Our facilities, procedures, practices and people continually go through rigorous quality assurance testing and accreditation. This is at the very core of who we are and serves to guide pretty much everything we do.


And though it may not mean much to you on the surface, it certainly is a big deal to us and the quality of care that you can be assured of at Clinic 66.  

Contact Us

Thank you for your message. We will reply asap if needed.

We'd love to share our sexual health knowledge with you!

Knowledge is power! Learn more about caring for your sexual and reproductive health by subscribing to our email updates. We'll only ever send you practical and valuable info. That's a promise!  Read our privacy policy >>

Note: The information provided in this service is intended to encourage, not replace, direct patient/health professional relationships


31 Bertram St, Chatswood NSW 2067

02 9411 3411


If you call us out of normal business hours, your call will be answered by our after-hours on-call doctor service, who will attend to and triage your call. If appropriate, a doctors home visit may be offered. 


In the event of an emergency, the closest emergency department is Royal North Shore Hospital,  located at Reserve Rd, St Leonards.


Monday to Friday

8am till 5:30pm



8am till 4pm


Our private, specialist GP services are available via appointment only, and unfortunately we cannot accept patients via ‘walk in’. 

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TeleHealth Women's Health Clinic Online?

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You'll be surprised at how much we can help you by telehealth!

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Clinic 66 Quality Practice Accreditation

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