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HIV Prescribing (S100, PrEP, PEP)

HIV prescribing - PrEP (Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis)

PrEP stands for Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis, and is for HIV negative people taking an antiretroviral drug (one per day) to protect and prevent HIV infection.


PrEP is taken every day before potentially being exposed to HIV, similar to the contraceptive pill that prevents unplanned pregnancy.


Studies from around the world have proven that when PrEP is taken consistently and on a daily basis, it is highly effective at preventing HIV, even if your partner is HIV positive.


PrEP is available at our clinic for people who are at high risk of exposure to HIV.  All our PrEP patients are health-conscious, fun-loving people who understand the risk of HIV transmission and the consequences.


PrEP is a long-term commitment and requires you to not only take the medication daily, but also have regular checkups.


HIV prescribing - Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP)

HIV S100, PrEP. PEP - Clinic 66, Chatswood

Though we certainly don’t encourage it, we do know that there are times when you don’t play as safe as you know you should. 


PEP is a four-week course of HIV treatment that helps to prevent HIV infection.


It works by stopping the virus from replicating after a recent exposure. If PEP is started quickly, the HIV infected cells die before the virus establishes itself in the body.


If you believe that you may have been exposed to HIV (eg. condomless anal sex or condom breaking, sharing needles etc), you should start PEP as soon as possible (ideally within a few hours of the event if possible).

HIV S100 Prescribers

We are also S100 prescribers which means we can look after clients with established HIV infection and provide them with medication as well as ongoing holistic care for all aspects of their health.


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31 Bertram St, Chatswood NSW 2067

02 9411 3411


If you call us out of normal business hours, your call will be answered by our after-hours on-call doctor service, who will attend to and triage your call. If appropriate, a doctors home visit may be offered. 


In the event of an emergency, the closest emergency department is Royal North Shore Hospital,  located at Reserve Rd, St Leonards.


Monday to Friday

8am till 5:30pm



8am till 4pm


Our private, specialist GP services are available via appointment only, and unfortunately we cannot accept patients via ‘walk in’. 

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