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Coming to your appointment at Clinic 66

Fees and Payments at Clinic 66


Clinic 66 is a small, privately billing reproductive and sexual health clinic.


For Medicare card holders having a consultation and procedure, you will be able to claim some of the money back from Medicare.


Please bring your Medicare card and photo ID. 


We will submit your claim to Medicare to get a rebate, which typically reaches your nominated bank account within 24 hours.


At Clinic 66 our mantra is “to provide excellent services at an affordable price”. We are constantly working to maintain high standards whilst allowing our clients to be minimally out of pocket when they come to see us.



You can usually expect to have a gap fee payable.


If you do not have a Medicare card, then your fees will usually be higher, but for clients who do not hold Medicare cards, they often have health insurance, which may cover the cost, depending on the insurer and the policy.


If you have a Medicare card, AND hold private medical insurance, AND wish to make a claim on your private insurance for a procedure, please let us know BEFORE you have the procedure so we can ensure you are billed correctly.


If you are experiencing financial difficulty, please discuss this with the doctor that you see on the day, or with the practice manager if you are considering a procedure.


However, our fees are already lower than care provided in hospitals, so it is very difficult for us to provide further financial concessions.


Payment by debit card (EFTPOS) is our preferred form of payment option. Alternatively, a credit card can be used.  Please note we are currently not accepting cash payments. 




Most of the time, a referral is not required to see any of our specialised GPs.


However, if you are seeing one of our specialists, you will need a referral, though this can often be generated in-house.


Many GPs do refer to us, and if your GP has referred you, please bring the referral letter with you, so that we may communicate with your GP directly regarding your care.

What yo need to know when coming to your appointment at Clinic 66 Chatswood

Procedure Vs Consultation

What you need to know if you're having a procedure under sedation at Clinic 66

We accept Afterpay for procedural appointments.


Book now and pay it in 4 *interest-free instalments over 6 weeks. * Conditions apply.

If you are having a procedure under intravenous sedation, you are expected to have fasted – this means not eating any food six (6) hours prior to your appointment, but you can drink water up until two (2) hours prior to the appointment.


For the two (2) hours immediately prior to the appointment, you should be nil by mouth i.e. no food, nor water or any other drink; no smoking, no chewing gum – nothing.


This is very important as if you do not fast when you have intravenous sedation, it is possible you may regurgitate and inhale your stomach contents. This is a serious incident which can be avoided by proper fasting.


If you are having a procedure under sedation, you can expect to be here for about 2-3 hours. Please bring something to read, headphones, if you want to listen to music and a snack for afterwards if you wish. Wear comfortable clothing. 


If you are coming for a consultation or a procedure which is being done awake, there is no need for you to fast.


However, if you are having an IUD insertion awake, we recommend you would take some form of simple painkiller approximately thirty (30) minutes prior to your appointment time.


Transport & Parking

Car Park

There is no dedicated parking at Clinic 66, although there are several shopping centres nearby where there is free parking for 3 hours.


There is also metered on-street parking and un-metered street parking within a short walk.


Clinic 66 is served by public transport very efficiently and we would recommend coming by train or bus.


For patients who are having procedures, it is possible to be picked up directly outside the clinic to minimise any walking required if being collected by car after a procedure.


Please do not make plans to drive yourself or get public transport if you have had a procedure. This applies whether you have had sedation or the procedure done awake. Likely your insurance will not cover you if you have an accident after having had a procedure, with or without sedation. 


We recommend that you are driven home after having any procedure, preferably by a support person, but failing that by taxi. This is in your best interests as sometimes people can feel faint or unwell even hours after a procedure.


Clinic 66 is completely wheelchair accessible and is located on the ground floor of 31 Bertram Street. Disability parking is located on Bertram Street, outside the NAB building, approx 20m from the main clinic entrance. Please ask our friendly reception team for assistance in finding accessible parking.



Privacy & My Health Record


We take your privacy very, very seriously. There would be no circumstances when we would share your data with anyone else unless you gave us permission to do so.


We do participate in the e-Health initiative with the Australian government which means that if you have a My Health Record, we will be happy to upload an event summary into your record should you require us to do so.


However, we will not upload a shared health summary or an event summary into My Health Record without your request to do so.


We do not use cloud-based computing systems for our medical records and we have a secure server which is protected with the highest level of security to hold our clinical information system.


We do not use an electronic appointment-making system due to the complexity of the services that we offer and the need to book you in with the correct doctor to assist you.


When you call to make an appointment, you will be asked to briefly state the reason for your attendance. This is so we can ensure you see the right doctor who can provide you with the best care.


However, you may contact us via webform or via phone anytime to make an appointment with the doctor who is best for you and the nature of your query.



Contact Us

Thank you for your message. We will reply asap if needed.

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Note: The information provided in this service is intended to encourage, not replace, direct patient/health professional relationships


31 Bertram St, Chatswood NSW 2067

02 9411 3411


If you call us out of normal business hours, your call will be answered by our after-hours on-call doctor service, who will attend to and triage your call. If appropriate, a doctors home visit may be offered. 


In the event of an emergency, the closest emergency department is Royal North Shore Hospital,  located at Reserve Rd, St Leonards.


Monday to Friday

8am till 5:30pm



8am till 4pm


Our private, specialist GP services are available via appointment only, and unfortunately we cannot accept patients via ‘walk in’. 

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