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Fifty is the new Thirty!!

At Clinic 66 we believe that good reproductive and sexual health is essential to your overall health and wellbeing. Everyone is entitled to a healthy sex life, regardless of age.


Screening and prevention: Your bones, your heart, and bowel, breast and cervical cancer

For women, menopause is a perfect the time to take stock and understand how to reduce risk for a number of common conditions such as heart disease, osteoporosis, and cancer.


Any of our doctors will be happy to discuss and help you choose the best approach to menopause for you, as well as bone health (prevention and management of osteoporosis), and cardiovascular health.


Cervical cancer screening is recommended for women 25-74 yrs.


Breast and bowel cancer screening is recommended for women over 50 years or before if they have a significant family history.



If you're over 50, ask us about our “Well women” check up, where we do a little 'preventative maintenance' to identify any risk factors you might have for problems down the track.
Anti Aging education, support and treatment at Clinic 66 Chatswood

Your Mental Health may be affected by the onset of Peri-menopause or Menopause... or maybe not?

Anti-aging education, support and treatment at Clinic 66, Chatswood

Mood changes can occur at the time of menopause and these may relate to hormonal adjustment, or they may relate to other life events such as teenage children, elderly parents, work dilemmas or relationship difficulties.


Mental health issues such as depression and anxiety are extremely common, but easy to hide.


Let us help you work out the best way for you to deal with your depression or anxiety.


Exercise, talking therapies (including computerised CBT) and medication are all effective.





As GPs we can look after you with a Mental Health Care Plan, which means that Medicare will subsidise part of your treatment
(if you have a Medicare card)

Urinary Incontinence and Prolapse

If you have poor pelvic floor tone or urinary incontinence (urge or stress or mixed) we can help improve your quality of life with individualised management.


There are surgical and non-surgical approaches to urinary incontinence, and in order to work out which is best for you, we need to see you for an assessment. Our doctors may need to organise some further investigations.


For management, a non-surgical approach may be all that you need. Sometimes medication is required.


As a last resort to get your quality of life back, the only option might be surgical, but if this is what you need, don’t be afraid! We will help you every step of the way.


Pelvic floor disorders which give rise to pain and/or prolapse can respond well to non-surgical approaches such as pelvic floor physiotherapy.


Pelvic floor strengthening exercises can be supervised by a specialist pelvic floor physiotherapist or one of our doctors together with a biofeedback device which can be bought online.

Kegel balls, (aka Ben Wa balls), have been used for centuries to strengthen vaginal and pelvic floor muscles. But Kegel balls do more than just whip your pelvic floor into shape (ask your doctor to tell you about the other great side effects!).

Maintaining a Healthy Sex Life into Menopause and Beyond!

vaginal symptoms of menopause - clinic66
Is your sex life a distant memory... or hotter than ever now the kids are gone!? Would you like to get your mojo back?
MonaLisa-Touch at Clinic 66.jpg

Women and men of all ages can have issues or problems with their sex life. It is not just older people!


Depending on the cause, we can help get this aspect of your life back to where you want to be.


It is uncommon for one sexual problem to occur in isolation. And sometimes its important to get partners involved too. That’s why its important you see one of our specialised GPs to assist in working out the best approach


This might include counselling, pelvic floor rehabilitation, menopause management, or Mona Lisa Touch treatment.


Many factors need to be taken into consideration when managing sexual dysfunction, and addressed, including physical and psychological aspects.


Women with low libido may respond to testosterone replacement, but this is part of a multi faceted treatment regime for sexual dysfunction.



Contact Us

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We'd love to share our sexual health knowledge with you!

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Note: The information provided in this service is intended to encourage, not replace, direct patient/health professional relationships


31 Bertram St, Chatswood NSW 2067

02 9411 3411


If you call us out of normal business hours, your call will be answered by our after-hours on-call doctor service, who will attend to and triage your call. If appropriate, a doctors home visit may be offered. 


In the event of an emergency, the closest emergency department is Royal North Shore Hospital,  located at Reserve Rd, St Leonards.


Monday to Friday

8am till 5:30pm



8am till 4pm


Our private, specialist GP services are available via appointment only, and unfortunately we cannot accept patients via ‘walk in’. 

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TeleHealth Women's Health Clinic Online?

Clinic 66 Online Website

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You'll be surprised at how much we can help you by telehealth!

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